
Evan M Lopez
2 min readNov 15, 2020

I fully support the wearing of masks to protect us from the spread of the virus. That said, I’d like to throw some realistic perspective on mask wearing in light of what the media and experts are force-feeding us.

As a former Marine who has had the privilege of participating in a full instructional course and training with the M40 Field Protective Gas Mask and gas chamber, I can tell you that there are about 101 steps necessary to properly store, clean, and wear your mask so it protects you from “field concentrations of chemical and biological agents, along with radiological fallout particles” or in short aerosol viruses like Covid-19… In addition, any trained hospital care worker will also tell you that the “scrubbing in and scrubbing out” process while treating patients in relation to mask wearing is also a very specific and meticulous process. You never use the same mask twice and you are sanitizing before and after touching your mask. This process is intended to ensure you are not transferring any germs, viruses etc. to yourself, others, or items in your vicinity. Lastly, while participating in wonderful outdoor dining, I personally watched my mask fall into a gutter, float down the street, and come to rest in a large pile of trash. After recovering my mask from the 2nd avenue Covid stream, I shook it off, gave a wink to the / table (not setup 6ft apart), and threw that baby right back on… was I concerned about my health? No, I was more worried about the health of others and being shamed for not wearing a mask (no, I don’t carry a bag of spare masks but I replaced the mask as soon as possible).

With these examples alone now ask yourself, do you really think the vast majority of the american public are wearing and maintaining an extremely disciplined process for the application and wear of their masks? If you think people are sanitizing after touching their mask in public, changing their masks daily, or otherwise following even the basic and fundamental steps of protective mask wearing, you are dreadfully wrong. The reality is people are more likely to be spreading Covid or some combination of a unique Covid/Cartier germ strain everywhere they go while wearing their trendy fashion forward masks. Yes, masks help limit the spread if the basic protective steps are followed, but as soon as those steps are missed, the percentage of mask effectiveness drops significantly. So to all the media and politicians out there, please drop the rhetoric and put mask wearing and it uses in a realistic perspective. Masks may be one answer but they surely are not the only answer.



Evan M Lopez

A consummate NYC professional who takes everyday circumstances and turns them into everyday enjoyable euphemisms.